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Newsgroups: comp.windows.misc,comp.answers,news.answers
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From: wade@nb.rockwell.com (Wade Guthrie)
Subject: (FAQ) Portable GUI Development Kits, part 1/2
Message-ID: <PIGUI_FAQ1_793069161@nb.rockwell.com>
Followup-To: comp.windows.misc
Summary: This posting discusses many of the various platform-independent
Graphical User Interface (GUI) development software libraries/
Supersedes: <PIGUI_FAQ1_790405463@nb.rockwell.com>
Reply-To: wade@nb.rockwell.com
Organization: Rockwell International
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 1995 00:59:26 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
Expires: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 00:59:21 GMT
Lines: 720
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu comp.windows.misc:7113 comp.answers:10152 news.answers:35345
Archive-name: portable-GUI-software/part1
Last-modified: Tue Jan 17 17:38:54 PST 1995
Version: 1.14
Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Wade Guthrie. Permission is granted to copy
and redistribute this document so long as it is unmodified (including
the part that explains where to get the FAQ free-of-charge) and the
copyright remains in-tact. I'd appreciate it if you told me about any
redistribution, but that's not strictly necessary.
-- part 1 --
-- part 2 --
Not a darned thing.
This posting is intended to shell-out as much information as I can find
concerning platform-independent Graphical User Interface (PIGUI)
development kits (actually, it's platform-independent APIs targeting
various platform-DEPENDENT GUIs, but let's not get too picky). This
list is being posted because I've seen a whole mess of requests for GUI
portability information and, besides, I need this information as well.
This document is maintained and periodically updated as a service to
the net by Wade Guthrie (wadeg@netcom.com, or wade@nb.rockwell.com).
Any corrections, updates, or other pertinent information are welcomed
at that address. If you are a vendor of a PIGUI package (whether it's
represented here or not), I encourage you to amend, annotate, and
append to this document (and then, of course, send the revisions back
to the author).
IIa. Where to get this document.
You can get the latest version of this FAQ (and, in fact, all the FAQs
that appear in <whatever>.answers) *FREE-OF-CHARGE* by anonymous FTP
from 'rtfm.mit.edu'. This FAQ can be found in the following
directory: /pub/usenet/comp.windows.misc.
There are several mail servers that will do the FTP for you if you do
not have access to FTP directly.
IIb. What's a PIGUI?
A PIGUI toolkit is a software library that a programmer uses to produce
GUI code for multiple computer systems. The toolkit presents functions
and/or objects (along with a programming approach) which is independent
of which GUI the programmer is targeting. For the purposes of *this*
document, a PIGUI must support the native look-and-feel for GUIs under
at least two different operating systems (so just supporting OpenLook
and Motif on two Unix boxes doesn't count). The toolkit does not
necessarily provide any additional portability features.
Now, let's consider Petula Sniggly, a programmer who decides she wants
to build the ultimate computer program. This thing is going to be so
cool that everyone anywhere near a CPU will want to use it, so Petula
targets her program for every type of computer on the planet. She
considers getting herself a PIGUI toolkit to handle the GUI portion of
her code. With a PIGUI toolkit, when she wants to put a menu on the
screen, she calls the toolkit's "PIGUI_menu" function. When she
compiles her code with the "Macintosh" flag set, the PIGUI library puts
a Mac menu on the screen in response to the PIGUI_menu call. When she
compiles her code with the "Motif" flag set, the call causes the
library to put-up a Motif-style menu. All this happens (theoretically)
without Petula having to change her source code. If she is careful to
make her non-GUI code portable, she would have a single program (with a
single source) that works on multiple platforms.
There is no free lunch, so our heroine Petula has a few things to
consider before deciding whether to use a PIGUI. First, most (and
maybe 'all' depending on whom you believe) of the PIGUIs will slow the
execution of your code. You are also limited to the feature set
provided by the PIGUI unless you want to code around the toolkit (but,
then again, why would you buy the PIGUI in the first place if you're
going to code around it?). Bugs in any toolset (PIGUI or otherwise)
filter down to your production code. Fewer people know how to code any
specific PIGUI than do a platform-specific GUI (e.g., MS-Windows), so
wizardly help will be limited. The PIGUI only deals with the GUI
aspects of your program -- you're on your own for other portability
issues. Finally, if the vendor goes out of business you may be
out-of-luck for support of future OS enhancements (source code can
ease, but not eliminate, the pain of a vendor closing its doors).
IIc. A word about language choice.
Many C programmers will look at the purchase of a PIGUI library as a
great opportunity to migrate to C++. If the library takes full
advantage of C++, the programmer will have to use C++ methodologies
(not just a C++ compiler with C syntax) to use it. When one ports a C
program to such a library, one should expect to invest a *significant*
amount of effort learning about (and modifying his code to take
advantage of) classes, inheritance, and constructors in order to
complete the port. Of course, if one wants his C code to become C++
code, this is a necessary exercise anyway.
IId. What else is in this Document?
After the introductory stuff, you'll find some more detailed
information about PIGUIs in general followed by tables and prose that
describe specific PIGUI toolkits.
The limits placed on which products are discussed in this posting are
pretty-much provided in the title. The products listed here must be
platform-independent and support at least two different OSs. The
product must be shipping to the general public (i.e., no beta-only or
pre-beta PIGUIs). Moreover, these packages focus on GUI portability,
though some provide a larger breadth of portability features (and, I've
tried to list those, where applicable). No limits (at either the high
or the low end) have been placed on price, even though the prices in
the field vary by more than an order of magnitude (and, now, there are
some free PIGUI kits).
Note that in addition to one of the products listed here, you'll need
(natch) one of the supported host machines, a compiler or interpreter
of the appropriate type, and, for layered GUI packages (q.v.), the
basic GUI builder for that platform.
IIe. More Legal Barf.
At this point, I find it necessary (even though this is covered by my
.sig) to say that this FAQ is my personal work and that this FAQ does
*IN NO WAY* indicate, reveal, imply, infer, allude to, display,
suggest, symbolize, expose, demonstrate, hint at, or in any way have
anything to do with the thoughts, policies, suggestions, reflections,
decisions, theories, sentiments, ponderings, rules, dreams, or beliefs
of my employer.
I use a lot of names that are trademarks in this FAQ. At no time
should the use of a trademarked name be construed as contesting the
trademark. Those trademarks belong to their respective trademark
If lots of stuff in this posting looks familiar to you, you're not
hallucinating (well, maybe you are, but not regarding this). Much of
the format (and some of the words) of this FAQ have been lifted (with
permission -- thanks Eric) from Eric Raymond's PC-UNIX FAQ.
Here are some words that you'll find in this FAQ along with working
definitions for them.
API Applications Programming Interface. This is what the
programmer sees when he's using a software development kit.
Normally, this would be a set of function calls and/or
CDE The GUI part of COSE (q.v.) is CDE, the Common Desktop
Environment which includes hypertext help, IPC (q.v.),
printer support, and a bunch of other stuff. The look-and-
feel is Motif-like, but there's a lot more than that to CDE.
It looks like CDE certification will be withheld from most
(if not all) PIGUIs since CDE includes its own API -- you
have to comply with the API to be certified.
COSE Common Open Software Environment. COSE is the industry-agreed-
upon graphical environment that will augment (significantly)
and replace Motif and OpenLook.
CUI Character User Interface. This is like a graphical user
interface, but it's implemented only with characters (e.g.,
ASCII). Many Platform-Independent CUIs are developed using
the public-domain curses package.
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange. This is a method of inter-process
communication under Microsoft Windows.
DDEML Microsoft Windows' Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library.
DLL Dynamically Linked Libraries. These are, essentially,
shared libraries under Microsoft Windows or OS/2.
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions. A list. . .like THIS one!
font A specific set of shapes for a character set. Old English
is one example of a font (it's more complicated than that,
but I'm not going into it here).
GDI Microsoft Windows' Graphical Drawing Interface.
GUI Graphical User Interface. If you don't know what this is
already, you have quite a bit of homework before this FAQ
will mean anything to you.
IPC Inter-process Communication. It's a generic term for the
way separate processes (or tasks) under an operating system
talk to each other.
MDI Microsoft Windows' Multiple Document Interface. An MDI parent
window is intended to be the main window of an application
and MDI child windows represent separate documents or
sessions (or whatever) under that application.
Motif This is one of the choices of look-and-feel under the X
Window system. In order to have one's software certified as
Motif compliant, one must pay a fee to the Open Software
Foundation (OSF).
OpenLook This is one of the choices of look-and-feel under the X
Window system. It was originally championed by Sun
Microsystems before they agreed to support COSE (q.v.).
PCL Hewlett Packard's Printer Control Language. It's a language
for getting HP printers to display what you want. Several
versions exist, including PCL4 and PCL5.
PIGUI Platform-Independent Graphical User Interface. Actually, it
refers to a platform-independent API (q.v.).
PM OS/2's Presentation Manager. This is the GUI under OS/2.
PostScript This is a printer language owned by Adobe Systems. It's
an interpreted language that is used by a wide variety of
printers. This is yet another technology created by
Xerox Parc.
SDK Software Development Kit. It's software to help a
programmer build other software.
Unicode This is an international (16-bits per character) character
set in which all the characters from the various supported
international languages co-exist at once. Among the
supported character sets is the Latin alphabet (as used for
English and other languages), Hebrew, and kanji.
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get (pronounced Wizzy-Wig). It's a
way of allowing the user of a package to see the package's
output (in its ultimate format) while the user is developing
using that package. Most WYSIWYG software is really
WYSISWYG (pronounced Wizzy-Swig) -- What you see is sort-of
what you get.
Xlib This is the library of X-Windows functions distributed by
MIT with the X Window system (hence, it's free -- just like
X Windows). One can generate software that is compliant to
the OpenLook or Motif look-and-feel (or any other, for that
matter) using Xlib.
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary.
Most, if not all, of the products in this FAQ take one of three
approaches to providing platform independence. The two most common
approaches are the "layered" and the "emulated" user interface but
an up-and-coming approach is "API emulated" interface.
Products using a layered interface access native, third party,
GUI-building toolkits to provide the look-and-feel compliance for each
particular GUI. Layered user interfaces have the advantage that, since
they depend on other products which concentrate on a single GUI, they
have to provide less software (and, hence, are usually less expensive)
than emulated interfaces. Layered interfaces are also more likely to
get the native look-and-feel correct on all platforms. Most of the
PIGUI products in this FAQ fit in this category.
In an emulated user interface, the PIGUI's resultant code produces
low-level calls and all the look-and-feel compliance is handled by the
PIGUI software itself (e.g., for OpenWindows support, the software
would *NOT* produce an XView program that must be compiled with the
XView toolkit; the software would produce code that interfaces directly
with X intrinsics). To provide an emulated user interface, a vendor
has to develop a lot of extra code for look-and-feel support. Emulated
user interfaces have the advantage that someone on a Motif workstation,
for example, can see how the Macintosh-style UI will look (since the
look-and-feel is part of the product). Emulated interfaces have the
opportunity to provide a faster GUI than does a layered interface; in
addition, it does not require you to purchase (or learn how to use)
other kits to build GUI software.
A third approach to platform independence is emulating one of the
supported target's APIs (usually, the Microsoft Windows API) to target
other GUIs. With one of these products, one would program using the
emulated API and the code would be (to the extent to which that the
product provides portability) portable to other GUIs.
The products in this FAQ are pretty similar in their basic
functionality; they each provide function calls or classes that allow
the user to build windows, buttons (regular as well as radio buttons
and check boxes), menus, menu bars, and the like. Areas of contention
seem to be things such as:
- support for the platforms you need,
- the choice of implementation language,
- availability and price of source code,
- printer support,
- support for international character sets,
- capability to support draw-package-like features,
- bitmap (and icon) support,
- the approach to platform independence (see below),
- nifty high-level widgets, and
- price (complete price including royalties and distribution
Of course, each user will have his own requirements; YMMV.
Now, on to the comparisons. To interpret the tables below, bear in
mind the following things:
- If information for a cell is unknown, a period ('.') is
placed there. It is the ultimate goal of the author to
eliminate all of these.
- If a PIGUI package does not support a feature or platform
in the table, the cell is marked with a hyphen ('-').
- If a feature or platform is not currently supported, but
that support is planned, the cell is marked with ('soon').
Support in the form of beta versions (as well as longer-
lead versions) fit in this category.
- If a price is known for a product, that price is inserted
in the appropriate cell of the table. If that price is
not known (but the feature is supported), the cell is
marked with 'yes' -- it is hoped that all 'yes' entries
will be replaced with prices "Real Soon Now".
Note that prices in this FAQ are the MSRP (Manufacturer's
Suggested Retail Price). The street price for some of these
products can be *significantly* less.
- Tables are annotated, where appropriate, with letters (in
parenthesis where it doesn't take-up too much room). The
appropriate notes are found below the table. Also note that as
information changes, some of the notes will disappear. The note
letters will not necessarily be in sequence -- get used to it.
Another note: given that Sun Microsystems has announced its abandonment
of OpenLook in favor of COSE, I'm not sure I'd hold my breath for the
OpenLook betas in the tables below. It may just not be worth it for
some of the vendors to support a product that has limited (at best)
application (in fact, at least one vendor has abandoned an existing
OpenLook product).
The following products are listed in this FAQ. Abbreviations are given
for product names which are too long to go into the tables.
Views C++/Views, Liant
CLIM Common Lisp Interface Manager, several vendors
CommonV Glockenspiel CommonView, Computer Associates
DCLAP Don's Class Application library, Don Gilbert
Galaxy Galaxy, Visix
Guild Guild, Guild
libWxm libWxm, Visual Solutions
MAINWin MAINWin/Cross-Development Kit, MAINSoft Corporation
Menuet Menuet/CPP, Autumn Hill Software, Inc.
MEWEL MEWEL UIL, Magma Systems
ObViews ObjectViews C++, Quest Windows Corporation
OI Open Interface, Neuron Data
OpenUI OpenUI, Open Software Associates
PSM Presentation Services Manager, Lancorp Pty Ltd.
ScrMach Screen Machine, Objective Interface Systems, Inc.
StarVie StarView, StarDivision
SUIT Simple User Interface Toolkit, University of Virginia
VisWork VisualWorks, ParcPlace
Wind/U Wind/U, Bristol Technology
WMMOTIF WM_MOTIF User Interface Library, Software UNO, Ltd.
wxWind wxWindows, Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute
XVT XVT Portability Toolkit, XVT Software Inc.
YACL Yet Another Class Library, M. A. Sridhar.
zApp zApp, Inmark
Zinc Zinc, Zinc
In addition, I'd like to mention the following products that are
not mentioned in this document (well, not except for here):
Appware This product has been *de-emphasized* (which is commonly
believed to mean 'dropped') by Novel.
Aspect Looks like 'Open' has gone out of business.
STDWIN This product is no longer supported, but it's free from
Table 1: PLATFORM VS. PRICE (US$ except where noted)
Open- Next-
Vendor ASCII DOS Win(s) Win/NT OS/2 Motif Look Mac PenOS Step
------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Views - soon 1499f 1499f 1499 2499 - 1499 . .
CLIM . . . . . yes yes soon . .
CommonV . . yes . yes yes soon soon . .
DCLAP . . (k) . . (k) . (k) . .
Galaxy - - 7800q soon 9600q (mq) (mq) 9600q - .
Guild - - 895 895 895 soon - 895 - .
ILOG - - 5000 7500 soon 7500 - - - -
JAM yes yes yes . . yes yes . . .
libWxm - - (h) (h) (v) yes - (v) - .
MAINWin - - (h) (h) (v) 5000n - (v) - .
Menuet - 499 599 - 599 999 - . yes .
MEWEL 1595 395u (h) (h) 795 - - (v) - .
NuTCRAC - - - 2995 - (h) - - - -
ObViews - - yes yes . yes - yes - .
OI yes yes 5800 6850 6850 9850 9850 4800 . .
OpenUI yes - 3500 soon 4900 7900g - 3500 (w) .
PSM . . yes . . yes . soon . .
ScrMach 495 495 1995 soon - (p) - - - -
StarVie - - 499 soon 495 soon soon soon . .
SUIT . (k) (k) . . (k) (k) (k) . .
VisWork . . 2995 . 2995 4995 4995 2995 . .
Wind/U - - (h) (h) (v) 9950 - (v) - .
WMMOTIF 1500 - (h) (h) - 1995 - (v) - .
WNDX . 995 695 995 soon 1495 1495 995 . .
wxWind soon - free free - free free - - .
XVT call 1950 1950 6300ab 1950 6300a (c) 1950 . .
YACL - - free - soon free - - - -
zApp - 495z 495 495 695 1995 - soon - .
Zinc(e) 1499e 299e 299(f) 299(f) 299e 1499 - 299ej 299 soon
------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Vendor ASCII DOS Win(s) Win/NT OS/2 Motif Open- Mac PenOS Next-
Look Step
(a) This is the price for platforms other than x86-based computers.
For x86-based machines (under DOS/UNIX/Xenix -- where applicable), the
price is $1950.
(b) For non-x86 platforms, check for availability -- Alpha and MIPS
(c) Support for this product has been discontinued.
(d) Novell're currently determining pricing information -- they use the
term 'negotiated'.
(e) Zinc requires a single-time purchase of the Zinc GUI engine. This is
$499. After this price, the individual GUIs to be supported are
(f) Win16, Win32s, and Win32 are packaged together.
(g) for a PC-based Unix, we're talking $5850.
(h) This product uses the API that's native on this platform (e.g.,
support for Win32 under MS-Windows NT); so, in that sense, it supports
this platform.
(j) Pre-release.
(k) This product is free for non-commercial use. If you make a profit,
you'll have to check with the vendor for pricing and availability.
(m) The price is per machine. For $9600, you get Motif, OpenLook, CUA,
and Microsoft Windows on a single machine.
(n) The cost drops for subsequent copies. Number 2 is $3500 and number
3 is $2000.
(p) The pricing here is a little complicated. It was explained to me
as follows. "We have both systems based pricing and floating license
pricing. The system based pricing runs from $3K (small Sun or SCO)
to $24K (big VAX or Sun 2000). The Unix Motif floating license
pricing is $6K for the first license and $3K for each additional
(q) This is the C price. You're looking at $12.2K for C++.
(s) That's Microsoft Windows (TM).
(u) Price does not include source code (the other MEWEL products do).
(v) Microsoft Wings (scheduled to ship in the first half of 1994) can be
used to port Windows API to Macintosh System 7. Micrografx's Mirrors
can be used to port Windows source to OS/2.
(w) Does work on PenOS systems, but does not *yet* have Pen extensions.
(x) That's OpenLook.
(y) That's NextStep.
(z) DOS Text is sold separately from DOS graphics.
What we're looking at is two groups of products. The lower-priced
group is usually C++, is a more recent introduction to the market, is
almost always a layered GUI, and concentrates on PC-based operating
systems. Products from the higher-priced group usually offer a more
stable platform with both greater breadth and depth than does the
previous group. In either case, the cost premium for UNIX support is
usually a factor of 3 -- that is, the GUI package for a UNIX platform
for any PIGUI product is usually 3 times as expensive as the version
for DOS/MS-Windows. Other "personal" operating systems (e.g. OS/2 and
the Mac) vary as to whether they follow the UNIX pricing or the PC
pricing. These are merely observations, your mileage may vary.
Vendor Type(p) Eval(a) Source Royalty Distrib(z) Language Builder(g)
------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Views layered (j) free no . C++ yes
CLIM . (u) . . . Cmn Lisp (u)
CommonV layered . yes no . C++ .
DCLAP . free free . . C/C++ .
Galaxy emulate (d) (e) no . C/C++ yes
Guild . . (f) no . C yes
ILOG emulate 30 no no - C++ yes
JAM layered . yes no . C yes
libWxm API emu . . . . . .
MAINWin API emu 30 no (w) . C/C++ $199
Menuet . . . . . . .
MEWEL API emu . (r) no . C(s) (t)
NuTCRAC API emu . yes . yes C/C++ .
ObViews layered . . no . C++ .
OI emulate (x) . no $8,000 C/C++(k) yes
OpenUI layered (q) (e,b) no . C(h) yes
PSM . . . yes . . no
ScrMach layered 30 (e) no . Ada free
StarVie layered 30 yes no . C++ yes
SUIT . free free . . C .
VisWork emulate 30(j) 100000 yes . SmalTalk yes
Wind/U API emu 30(j) (f) no $19,500/yr C/C++ (t)
WMMOTIF API emu (j) 7500 no . C/C++ (t)
WNDX layered 30 (f) no . C yes
wxWind . free free no . C++ (n)
XVT layered (j) yes no . C/C++ yes
YACL . free free no - C++ .
zApp layered 60(j) free no . C++ $499
Zinc layered 60 free no - C++ yes
------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Vendor Type(p) Eval(a) Source Royalty Distrib(z) Language Builder(g)
(a) This is the number of days that the product can be evaluated. Inside
this time, the software can be returned for full money back (minus,
possibly, a cost for the evaluation -- check with the vendor).
(b) Open Software Associates is willing to make a deal for source on a
case-by-case basis.
(d) Give them a P.O. They'll give it back if you don't like the product.
They require the evaluator to take a 1 week, $2500 course.
(e) Source code is held in an escrow account. You can't get to it
unless the company goes belly-up. This helps you protect your
investment -- if the company goes belly-up, you can do the software
maintenance yourself.
(f) You can buy it, or you can get an escrow account.
(g) This is a WYSIWYG GUI Builder.
(h) Pascal, Cobol, and Ada are supported, too, but there wasn't room.
(j) There is a cost for evaluation.
(k) They've taken a 'wrappers' approach -- you can't subclass from their
C++ classes.
(n) Uses SunOS's DevGuide.
(p) Type means 'emulated', 'layered', or 'API emulated'. This describes
how the product approaches support for various GUIs.
(q) They charge (about $500) for a 90 day (money applicable to purchase)
evaluation period. Included is a 1-day training course and
phone and fax support.
(r) ASCII, OS/2, and Unix versions come with source for free. The DOS
version is an additional $400 with source.
(s) You can program in the MS Windows API or use MFC, OWL, or C++/Views.
(t) Any C/C++-based (depending on the nature of the product) MS Windows
Application Builder will work.
(u) Different LISP vendors support CLIM -- each provides a different
set of options and pricing structures.
(w) MAINWin kind-of charges royalties. Every machine on which one or
more applications developed with MAINWin is to be run needs a
license for the shared libraries. The cost runs between $195
(quantity 1) and $156 (quantity 100) per machine.
(x) These guys have a 'flexible evaluation structure'.
(z) This represents a cost per platform or application (check with
the vendor) distributed. It's not technically a royalty since the
cost is not per unit of software shipped, but it is a cost that
one has to consider. These costs are usually limited to
commercial applications.
The following table makes the most sense for operating systems that
work on various types of hardware (e.g., UNIX, Windows NT) rather than
for OSs dedicated to a certain type of hardware (e.g., DOS, Microsoft
Windows, Macintosh).
A `y' indicates that support has been verified by a user report.
A `c' indicates that the hardware/OS is claimed to work in vendor
An `e' indicates that this is the API emulated by the software.
A `b' indicates that the hardware/OS is in beta.
A `p' indicates that the hardware/OS is planned, but not yet in
An `x' indicates that support for the hardware/OS is being PHASED
An `i' indicates that I've heard that the vendor has ported their
libraries, but they are only available in-house.
A `.' indicates that whether this combination works is unknown.
A `-' indicates that the vendor doesn't support that hardware.
A `*' points you at footnote info.
o G L M A u O p O c t i M W w
V m D a G i e I M T b e p r a s M i x
i C m C l u I b n N E C V n e M r S W W O n W Y z Z
e L o L e i L J w u W W R i I n P a V U o N T d i X A A i
w I n A x l O A x e i E A e n U S c i I r D I / n V C p n
s M V P y d G M m t n L C w t I M h e T k X F U d T L p c Systems
- . . . - . - . . . - c - - . - . - - c . c - . - . - c y DOS Graphics
p . . . - . - . . . - c - - . - . c - . . - - . - . - c c DOS Text
. . . . . . - . . . - . - . . - . c . . . c - . . c - y c 16-bit DOS Extender
. . . . . . - . . c - c - . . - . c . . . c - . . - - - c 32-bit DOS Extender
- . . . - . - . . . - c . - . y . c - . . . c . p y - . c ASCII Text
y . c c - c c . e c e e - c c y c c c c c c e e c c c c y MS-Windows 3.x Win16
. . . . y . c . . . . . - . . . . . . . . c - . . c . . c MS-Windows Win32s
c . b c c c - . . . - - - c c y b - c c c c - . - c - b b Macintosh
. . . . . . - . . . - . - . . p . - b . . p - . . c - . p Macintosh PowerPC
c . c . c c p . . c - c - - c y c - c . c p - . - c - c c OS/2
c . . . y c c . . . c p c c c b . p c . . c - . b c . c c 80x86 / Windows NT Win32
p . . . b . b . . . c p . . c - . p c . . . - . - c . . p DEC AXP / Windows NT
- . . . b . - . . . c p . . . - . p p . . . - . - - . . . MIPS / Windows NT
- . b . y . c . . . c - - . c - . - c c c c - . c x - - - SunOS / OpenLook
c . . c y b c . c . c - - . . c . c c c . c p y c c - y c SunOS / Motif
c . . . . . c . . . c . - . . . . . . . . c c . . c - c . Sun Solaris 2.x / Motif
- . . . . . - . . . p - e . . c . c - . . . c . c x . . . ISC / Motif
c . . . . . c . . . p - e . . . . . . . . . p c . c . - . DEC AXP OSF1 / Motif
. . . . . . - . . . - - e . . . . . . . . . - . . c . - . DEC AXP OpenVMS / Motif
- . . . y . - . . . - - e . c c . c p . c . - . c x c - . DEC Ultrix / Motif
p . . . y . - . . . - - e . c c . c p . . . - p . c . - p DEC Vax VMS
. . . . . . - . . . . - e . . . . . . . . . - . . c . . . AT&T System 3000/ Motif
c . . . . . - . . . - - e . c c c c p . . . c . c c . y c SCO Unix/Xenix / Motif
- . . . c . - . c . - - e . c - . - p . . . - p c c . . . MIPS / Motif
c . . . y . c . c . c - e . c c . c p c c c c c c c . y c HP 9000/HPUX / Motif
c . . . y . c . c . c - e . c c . c c c c . c y c c . y c IBM RS-6000/AIX / Motif
c . . . c . c . c . c - . . c - . c p c . c - y y c . c c Silicon Graphics
- . . . . . - . . . - - . . . - c - - . . . - . . - . . . Pyramid
. . . . i . . . . . . . e . i . . . . . . . . . c . c . . Linux / Motif
With 800 FTP Read Support
Vendor sale number? BBS? Compuserv? server? USENET? Other contracts
------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Views 60d no yes no no yes . $399-$599/yr
CLIM (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c)
CommonV (a) ? . . . . . -
DCLAP none no no no yes yes . -
Galaxy none yes no no yes yes (k) $1,995/yr
Guild 90d ? . . . . . $100/month
ILOG none yes no yes yes yes (n) 15%/yr
JAM . ? . . . . . .
libWxm . ? . . . . . .
MAINWin 1 year yes . . yes . (h) $1000/yr(e)
Menuet . ? . . . . . .
MEWEL yes no yes yes yes yes . $250/yr
NuTCRAC 30 ? no no no yes . $500-$2000/yr
ObViews . ? . . . . . yes
OI . ? yes . . yes . $1200-$2400/yr
OpenUI 90d no soon no soon yes (h) 12%-30%/yr
PSM . ? . . . . . -
ScrMach 1 year yes no no no yes (hk) 20%/yr
StarVie . yes yes yes no yes . -
SUIT . no . . yes . (d) -
VisWork (f) yes yes yes (g) . . $675/yr
Wind/U . no no no yes yes (mn) 12%-20%/yr
WMMOTIF 30d yes yes yes yes yes . 20/yr
WNDX 30d no yes soon no no (hn) (p)
wxWind . no no no . yes . -
XVT 6 mon. no yes yes yes (r) (b) (call)
YACL - no no no . yes . -
zApp forever no yes yes yes yes . -
Zinc forever no yes yes yes yes . $499/yr(j)
------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Vendor With 800 BBS? Compuserv? FTP Read Other Support
sale number? server? USENET? contracts
(a) CommonView provides free maintenance for MS-Windows and OS/2. 15% of cost is
required for Motif, however.
(b) There's a mailing list.
(c) CLIM is a multi-vendor product. See the individual vendor for information.
(d) There is a SUIT mailing list. Send email to
'suit-users-request@uvacs.cs.Virginia.EDU' for mor information.
(e) That's for one person. The second person is $700, and subsequent users
are at $500.
(f) Installation and temporary evaluation help plus one free general support
(g) Gopher service.
(h) Support (including distribution) by e-mail.
(j) This is for their higher-end support. Simple support still comes for free.
(k) They support an email mailing list.
(m) WWW support.
(n) Newsletter.
(p) Cost of technical support per year == purchase price of product.
(r) Informally.
Wade Guthrie | "Here's to way *WAY* too many MIPS, vintage
wade@nb.rockwell.com | sports cars, AD&D (first edition), and
I don't speak for Rockwell. | single malt whiskey aged in sherry casks."
Newsgroups: comp.windows.misc,comp.answers,news.answers
Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!newshost.marcam.com!zip.eecs.umich.edu!caen!math.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!newsfeed.rice.edu!nb.rockwell.com!wade
From: wade@nb.rockwell.com (Wade Guthrie)
Subject: (FAQ) Portable GUI Development Kits, part 2/2
Message-ID: <PIGUI_FAQ2_793069161@nb.rockwell.com>
Followup-To: comp.windows.misc
Summary: This posting discusses many of the various platform-independent
Graphical User Interface (GUI) development software libraries/
Supersedes: <PIGUI_FAQ2_790405463@nb.rockwell.com>
Reply-To: wade@nb.rockwell.com
Organization: Rockwell International
References: <PIGUI_FAQ1_793069161@nb.rockwell.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 1995 00:59:28 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
Expires: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 00:59:21 GMT
Lines: 1460
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu comp.windows.misc:7114 comp.answers:10153 news.answers:35346
Archive-name: portable-GUI-software/part2
Last-modified: Tue Jan 17 17:38:54 PST 1995
Version: 1.14
Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Wade Guthrie. Permission is granted to copy
and redistribute this document so long as it is unmodified (including
the part that explains where to get the FAQ free-of-charge) and the
copyright remains in-tact. I'd appreciate it if you told me about any
redistribution, but that's not strictly necessary.
-- part 1 --
-- part 2 --
-- In case you only got part II ------
You can get the latest version (both parts) of this FAQ
*FREE-OF-CHARGE* by anonymous FTP from 'rtfm.mit.edu' in the
/pub/usenet/comp.windows.misc directory.
Vendor reports start here. Each one is led by a form feed.
C++/Views, V3.0.1
Liant Software Corp.
959 Concord St.,
Framingham, MA 01701 USA
(800) 237-1873 (sales)
(800) 833-3678 (inquiries)
(508) 875-2246 (support)
Email: support@lpi.liant.com
This is a C++ library based on the smalltalk model (all classes
come from one superclass, and they have a smalltalk-like class
browser). Version 3 now has a WYSIWYG GUI builder (that includes a
class browser and portable resource editor) called C++/Views
Additional features include printer, graphics, event, string, and
various container classes as well as some higher-level classes
(e.g., VTableView and VToolBar). Version 3 also handles geometry
management so you can place objects based on relative coordinates
and persistent object storage.
C++/Views Constructor is the focal point of the C++/Views
development process. One uses the browser to navigate through his
application to, among other things, find appropriate GUI base
classes. From there, one can derive new class descriptions which
the browser uses to generate the necessary C++ source code. The
user doesn't see individual events; they handled by virtual
callback functions in the base classes.
60 days free. After that, $399/year for Microsoft Windows /
Windows NT, Mac, and OS/2; $599/yr for Motif. All support
contracts now include upgrades.
Liant believes that their product is different from the rest
because C++/Views provides a higher level of abstraction from
most of the rest of the PIGUIs and, therefore, is easier to
come up-to-speed.
Liant seems to be listening to what their customers have to say.
Many of the previous negative comments in this FAQ have been
addressed by Liant in their latest release (and this has been
substantiated by user comments). The people at Liant have also
been extremely helpful with putting together this FAQ.
Liant was founded in 1980.
Liant has a Mac version, but the price is as yet undetermined.
They have DOS and Unix character versions which, I'm told, will
be in beta very soon.
They're also working on portable on-line help, multi-byte character
support, C++ code generation from their builder (as opposed to
generation of a resource file), and compatibility with ODBMSs.
They use a smalltalk model -- if you like smalltalk, great; if not,
you may have some trouble. They have a browser/editor -- it's
simple to add a new message but it's reportedly kind-of clumsy to
use. You may want to use a different environment like Borland's
IDE under Microsoft Windows.
US technical support has improved (and is continuing to improve),
from what I've heard, but overseas users must go through their
local technical support personnel (some of which are less than
Common Lisp Interface Manager, V2.0
Well, this gets kind-of complicated. It was started by a company
called 'Internation Lisp Associates', or ILA, but was adopted by
several Lisp vendors. The five active CLIM parters are:
Symbolics (these guys are the primary coordinators of the project)
Concord, MA
Lucid, Menlo Park, CA
Email: sales@lucid.com
Franz, Berkeley, CA
Email: york@lucid.com
CLIM is a de-facto extension to the Common Lisp language. It
supports standard shape-drawing primitives with a portable color
model. Full 2D affine transforms are supported. In addition, a
platform-independent font specification mechanism is included.
CLIM operates through a back-end for each underlying GUI. Back-end
efforts exist for Motif (which is shipping), OpenLook, and the
Macintosh. I don't think that there is a Windows back-end yet.
CLIM can also run in a CLIM-look-and-feel mode as a fallback.
For additional information, see the comp.lang.lisp FAQ, part 7.
CommonView Glockenspiel
Computer Associates International
One CA Plaza
Islandia, NY 11788-7000
(516) DIAL CAI (voice)
(516) DIAL FAX (you guessed it, fax)
This is a C++ library.
In addition, it comes with container classes. The down-side is
that some of the features are not supported across all platforms.
One user says, "[we] Tried this first on MS_Windows, and were
reasonably impressed, but the X-Windows version was so buggy and
ill-conceived, it didn't last more than two weeks here. They may
have fixed it all by now [...]. Support was very poor. Great
concepts, but very poor implementation."
Computer Associates seems to have a strong big-company attitude.
I've had to weave through a lot of twisty little passages (turning
at every "that's not my job and I don't know whose it is") to try
to find someone who was willing to help put together this FAQ (I
haven't yet). I hope that their support is better when they
already have your money in their pocket.
Don's Class Application (DCLAP) library.
Don Gilbert,
Indiana University at Bloomington, Biocomputing Dept.
Email: dclap@bio.indiana.edu
This is a (free-of-charge) barebones C++ application framework with
no detailed documentation.
You can get it via anonymous ftp from ftp.bio.indiana.edu. It's in
the /util/dclap directory.
According to the author, it "has several important flaws". But, on
the other hand, it's free for non-commercial uses. It is built on
the cross-platform toolkit from the National Center for
Biotechnology Information (NCBI) of the National Library of
Medicine (NLM) available for anonymous ftp from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov as
Galaxy, V1.2
11440 Commerce Park Drive
Reston, Virginia 22091
(800) 832-8668 (inquiries)
(703) 758-2711 (voice)
Email: galaxy@visix.com
There are C++ and C versions of this library. The package includes
a WYSIWYG GUI builder. They ship the tools with static and
dynamically loaded libraries, debugging libraries, as well as
single- and multi-look-and-feel versions.
The tools are, reportedly, pretty full-featured. User-interface
items have extensive abstraction (for example, they have a
confirmation-type dialog that resolves to a push-pin and 'apply'
button under OpenLook, but 'ok', 'apply', 'cancel' buttons under
motif). Also, errors are handled with an abstract exception
handling framework. They support geometry management and
internationalization of fonts (at least Japanese), money, and data
Some extra-cool features include memory leak detection and
C-language objects for text (multi-styled, multi-font text with
embedded graphics), list (spreadsheet-like for handling up to 2^31
x 2^31 cells with customizable displays), and graphics processing.
They include lots of high-level objects for use by developers;
these objects include a font chooser, an icon editor, a directory
browser (for file selection), and a color chooser.
In addition to a GUI portability platform, Galaxy also includes
inter-process communication (IPC), extensive filesystem, and sound
support portability across platforms.
You get no support when you buy the product. If you buy the
support, it includes product updates and phone access to their
developers. According to one of Galaxy's developers "not buying
support is really a false economy".
These guys have implemented a full superset approach to their API.
Often, their objects are more capable than the native-mode object
would if you had not used their code. Like Neuron data, they're
an emulated API (they don't layer on-top of other tools); they
compile, for example, down to Xlib under Motif or OpenLook.
This software won Unix Review's Outstanding Product Award (1993)
for Software Development Front-Ends.
They claim support for MS-Windows v3.1, but support is only for
(the still buggy) Win32s and not Win16.
Contrary to popular belief, Visix is not planning (as of 15 June
1994) to drop their policy of requiring (costly) training in order
to get an evaluation copy of Galaxy.
Visix was founded in 1989 and is privately held. Galaxy has been
in development since 1986 and has been on-the-market since 1992.
Over 2,000 copies of Galaxy has been licensed to more than 250
One user says, "If you are looking at cross-platform development
environments, you absolutely MUST take a look at Galaxy, from Visix
Software. Very good interface builder, covers ALL layers of the
API, from GUI to networking, very well designed API, C++ version,
etc. [...] We have had good results with it so far." Another user
agrees, "I've been using their software for almost 2 years now
and I love it", adding, "I lead a project that had > 80K lines of
C / C++ that had less than 100 lines [different] between the SunOS
and MS-Windows versions."
But others chide them for their 1 week class requirement for an
evaluation copy, "I looked at Galaxy. It seems to be a nice
package, but [...] If you want to give it a try, you MUST take
their 1 week class for about $1800.00 and what manager is going to
allocate funds", "... and time [...] This required one week trip to
Visix class was probably the reason we ended up with another
These guys have been extremely helpful getting their portion of
this FAQ going. I think that this could be indicative of seriously
superlative support (that's an awful lot of alliteration).
1710 S. Amphlett
2nd Fl.
San Mateo, California 94402
(415) 513-6650 (voice)
(415) 349-4908 (fax)
This is a C-language library, but they're type-safe for C++
compatibility. The package includes a GUI builder and an event
occurrence monitor.
Additional features in the library includes support for
international character sets, portable file system support and
nifty C-language classes for pie-charts, 3d bars, x-y plots, and
the like.
Graphic Modeling $995
Oracle Database Bridge $395
ODBC Database Access $495
Three month free phone tech support. After that, its $100 per
month or $1000 per year (the latter including free upgrades).
They're working on a Unix/Motif version.
Problems include "no file, printing or memory management support",
according to Richard Chimera (carm@cs.umd.edu).
ILOG Views
2105 Landings Drive
Mountain View, CA 94943
(415) 390-9000 (voice)
(415) 390-0946 (fax)
email: info@ilog.com
WWW: http://www.ilog.fr/ilog/home.html
ILOG Views is a portable C++ library of graphical objects. This
product includes a GUI editor for developing both standard and
'very' graphical user interfaces. ILOG Views seems to be targeted
at graphics intensive applications; they claim it can display
10,000 graphic objects per second, for example, on standard a PC.
ILOG Views has several levels at which one can operate including
the line-and-box level (with PostScript support), the 2-D object
level, the object manager level (move groups, do rotation of
groups), or the power-widgets level (which covers not only stuff
like spreadsheets, but also things like a gantt editor).
This library provides portable graphics, double buffering,
persistent objects (using ASCII files), and IPC (sockets and RPC).
ILOG BUILDER (a GUI builder that generates OSF/Motif interfaces).
ILOG DB LINK (RDBMS connection library)
ILOG is a 110 person ISV focussed on C++ development tools.
JAM/Pi 5.03 (6.0, reportedly, is on the way)
New York, New York
(212) 267-7722 (voice)
This is a C-language library. The package includes a GUI builder.
JAM/DBi Database Interface
JAM/Rw Report Writer
Version 6.0 is due out soon. This is supposed to be quiet a bit
better in the GUI arena than they've done in the past.
One user says "We have been using JAM 5.03 [...] and am not
entirely happy with it. [...] no scrollbars in the CUI version, no
buttons [...] The CUI does not follow any accepted style (like
Motif or MS Windows)"
Visual Solutions
487 Groton Road
Westford, MA 01886
(508) 392-0100 (voice)
(508) 692-3102 (fax)
Email: sales@vissol.com
libWxm emulates the MS Windows (win32/s) API. They support dialogs,
resources, bitmaps, child windows and controls, custom controls,
fonts, and GDI commands.
MDI support, postscript printing, and DDE support.
MAINWin/CDK v1.1
MAINSoft Corporation
1270 Oakmead parkway, suite 310
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(800) MAIN-WIN (inquiries)
(415) 896-0708 (fax inquiries)
(408) 774-3400 (voice)
(408) 774-3404 (fax)
Email: info@mainsoft.com
WWW: http://www.mainsoft.com/
MAINWin is a portable implementation (to any system offering POSIX
compliance and Xlib) of the MS Windows API (including the Microsoft
Foundation Classes) on Unix/X-Windows. They support DDEML, Win32
message format, and most of the Win32s APIs. The CDK includes
printer support, a resource compiler, a help compiler (they have
support for Winhelp using the windows .hlp files), a makefile
generator plus some additional tools.
The software's output runs directly on Xlib, and does not require
Motif software. MAINWin allows the user to switch look-and-feel
(between MS-Windows and Motif) from the system menu at run-time.
In order to run a MAINWin application on a Unix workstation, users
need a copy of the "MAINWin for Workstations" product for each
machine on which the code runs.
MAINWin offers porting tools for MS Windows resources, the MS
Windows hypertext help system (which uses the original rtf-format
help files), shared libraries (DLLs), fonts, postscript printing,
dynamic data exchange (DDE), and MS Windows Device Context APIs.
Also included in this code is support for the Microsoft MFC 2.0
class library. Finally, MAINWin includes their DDR technology to
provide PC-compatible file structures across all systems.
Documentation for with MAINWin includes the "MAINWin Cross-
Development Guide", the "MAINWin API Function Call Status" document
and the "MAINWin API Message and Control Status" document.
MAINWin's optional developer program includes a weekly status of
issues reported to MAINSoft.
MAINSoft plans to support OLE/OLE2 and the Chicago API and look.
They also plan to provide the MAINWin/Device Driver Kit.
MAINSoft has entered into a source code license agreement with
Microsoft. This agreement allows MAINSoft to incorporate MS-Windows
code into their product.
In addition, MAINWin includes something they call DOS Data
Representation technology into their toolkit. This allows the user
to use MS-DOS format files under the other platforms supported by
their software.
Autumn Hill Software, Inc.
1145 Ithaca Drive
Boulder, Co. 80303
(303) 494-8865 (voice)
(303) 494-7802 (fax)
Menuet/CPP is a C++ product (they also have a vanilla 'C' product).
They have a product called an Application Generator -- anyone know
what this is?
MEWEL User Interface Library, Version 4.1
Magma Systems
15 Bodwell Terrace
Millburn, NJ 07041
(201) 912-0192 (voice)
(201) 912-0103 (fax)
(201) 912-0668 (BBS, 9600-1200, N-8-1)
75300.2062@compuserve.com (Magma has a vendor support conference on CIS)
magma@bix.com (Magma has a vendor support conference on BIX)
MEWEL is a portable implementation of the MS Windows API. It is a
C library, but is type-safe for C++. You can program your
applications in C, or can use Microsoft's MFC, Borland's OWL,
Liant's C++/Views, and wxWindows. MEWEL supports the usual stuff
including icons, MDI, dialog boxes. MEWEL/Pro supports the 16 and
32-bit extenders that come with Borland PowerPack, Pharlap 286,
Pharlap 386/TNT, Watcom/Rational DOS/4GW, and DJGPP's GO32
A "lite" version of MEWEL is distributed with the DOS text and DOS
graphics versions of zApp. Their product has also been ported to
Gnu C++ (DJGPP) on the PC.
"We are working on a version for MFC/NT [Microsoft Foundation
Classes/Windows NT] using Pharlap TNT extender, but it's not ready
yet." One nifty ramification of this is that one will be able to
use MEWEL and the Pharlap DOS extender in order to port Windows NT
applications to DOS.
You can download demos and info from ftp://ftp.uu.net/vendor/uno/
DataFocus, Inc.
12450 Fair Lakes Circle, Suite 400
Fairfax, VA 22033
(800) 637-8034 (voice)
(703) 818-1532 (fax)
NuTCRACKER is an implementation of the Motif API (as well as some
of the standard Unix calls) under Windows/NT. In addition, they
provide a non-X Windows SDK which allows curses users to port their
code (I don't know if this ports to Windows or an MS-DOS window
running curses).
They have an internal deployment seat (called the X/OE) which costs
$495. For outside distribution, there's a $5K/100 seats or a $20K
buy out price tag.
Besides GUI portability, NuTCRACKER also supports Unix process
control, Unix IPC mechanisms (i.e., shared memory, named pipes, BSD
sockets, and semaphores) as well as some of Unix's security
Each purchase (or evaluation copy) of NuTCRACKER comes with 30 days
of free support via telephone, fax, or e-mail. After that, you can
purchase Schedule A support (voice, fax, and e-mail with a maximum
24 hour response time) for $2000/year or the Schedule B support
(fax and e-mail only with a 48 hour maximum response time) for
Their next release will support Daytona and the VC++ 2.0 compiler.
They have committed to supporting Windows 95 (was Chicago) and
Windows NT on the PowerPC.
Open Interface Elements, Version 3.0
Neuron Data
156 University Avenue,
Palo Alto, California 94301
(800) 876-4900 (inquiries)
(415) 321-4488 (voice)
Open Interface is an emulated PIGUI with a C++ API (as of Open
Interface Elements 3.0). The software also comes with a WYSIWYG
GUI builder which includes a script language that can co-exist with
C or C++. It's important to note that their C++ uses a wrappers
approach that does NOT allow one to sub-class from their C++
They include tons of extra widgets (which they call "Power
Widgets") like business graphics (bar, pie, and line charts),
images (all standard formats), a hypertext widget, and
context-sensitive hypertext help.
Other software in Open Interface includes international character
support, portable drag-and-drop, multi-font support, full printer
support, memory management, file I/O support as well as MS-Windows
DDE support (the latter is, of course, non-portable).
"Nexpertobject" is an expert systems tool intended for GUI
"C/S Elements" is a client/server for tying UI components to
one of many supported relational databases. This allows the UI
to control the database and changes in the database to be
propagated back into the UI.
"Smart Elements" is for integrating knowledge-based systems with
Neuron's GUI stuff. This allows changes to objects in the
knowledge based system to be propagated to the UI and vice versa.
In addition, these are integrated with a scripting language which
causes changes in both the knowledge base and the UI.
Open Interface is an emulated GUI, that attempts to superset the
features from the various GUIs they support.
Particularly if one looks at Neuron Data's optional products, one
can see a leaning toward support of DBMS and expert systems.
These guys claim to have 35% of the market share for PIGUI tools
(including some heavyweights like IBM, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard,
and AT&T).
One user says, "[They've] Implemented all kinds of ideas such as
being able to add items to scrolling lists using the += operator in
C++ etc etc etc. Found some bugs, but support was brilliant, and
new releases were always pushing the frontiers forward. All bug
reports have met with speedy response. It is expensive, but worth
it. Great for object-oriented development."
Another user agrees, "The only one [PIGUI] I would recommend is
Neuron Data's Open Interface.".
However, one user cautions, "I [only] recommend doing development
on a UNIX box or a Mac with this tool. The person using our [MS]
windows copy has had some problems with ND corrupting its own data
files and/or crashing windows."
Another complaint I seem to be seeing concerns slow and poor
technical support.
ObjectViews C++
Quest Windows Corporation
4677 Old Ironsides Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054
(408) 496-1900 (voice)
(408) 988-8357 (fax)
This is a full C++ class library. It is a superset of a non-
proprietary API based on "InterViews".
It includes Motif 1.2 Drag and Drop and Tear-off Menus. It allows
full access to native Xlib, PEX, SDK, and Mac toolkit.
One hour free. After that, it costs (I'm not sure how much).
OpenUI, 2.13
Open Software Associates
20 Trafalgar Square, Suite 414
Nashua, NH 03063
(603) 886-4330 (voice)
(603) 598-6877 (fax)
Email: graemeg@nh.opensoft.com
This interface supports C, Pascal, (ish) COBOL, and Ada. Not only
is the C type safe for C++, but they're willing to supply a native
C++ API if there's enough demand. The software comes with a
WYSIWYG GUI builder. They also have a "platform pack", a
less-expensive, de-featured package which allows software developed
with OpenUI to be ported to other platforms.
Their code supports stand-alone as well as client (GUI) / server
(Logic) application development. A client/server application can
be developed in stand-alone mode.
When you purchase the product, you receive 90 days of fax and
e-mail support. Purchased support adds-in phone access as well as
product updates.
In addition to GUI portability, OpenUI provides TCP/IP and DecNet
Says one user, "Support is brilliant, among the best I have ever
seen in the computer industry. Comes with a [GUI] builder, allows
generation of new GUI classes using a concept of soft-classes (not
quite inheritance, but fairly powerful). Good for when multi-
platform support is needed, but not as powerful as OI for a single
GUI application. They will port to other hardware fairly quickly.
We got the SUN port within a month."
Problems include "no file, printing or memory management support",
according to Richard Chimera (carm@cs.umd.edu -- from a report
"Evaluation of Platform Independent Interface Builders", dated
March 1993).
Presentation Services Manager
Lancorp Pty Ltd
33 Nott St
Port Melbourne 3207
+61 3 646 7100 (voice)
+61 3 646 8610 (fax)
No WYSIWYG GUI builder exists, but they do include a script
Screen Machine, V1.41
Objective Interface Systems, Inc.
1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 250
Reston, Virginia 22091-5448
(800) 800-OIS7 (inquiries)
(703) 264-1900 (voice)
(703) 264-1721 (fax)
Email: info@ois.com
This is an Ada PIGUI which includes a WYSIWYG GUI builder.
The product fully supports Ada's built in multi-threading
capabilities (protects against non-re-entrant code in the native
windowing systems). This allows SQL applications and such to
continue processing input from the user while waiting on one or
more database transactions.
Screen Machine (I have to give them two points for the name alone)
includes an Ada code generator that generates layered Ada GUI code
that follows the presentation/dialog/application scheme.
Free (with updates) for one year. After that, call for pricing.
OIS is currently developing an Ada94 (fully O-O) parallel
implementation of Fresco/C++ (new Xt replacement technology in
X11R6). This new Fresco_Ada(tm) will offer the same object
embedding (via CORBA), multi-threading support, resolution
independence, multiple look-and-feel emulation, and structured
graphics that the C++ version of Fresco. The CORBA interface will
allow Fresco_Ada applications to transparently interoperate with
Fresco/C++ applications. OIS is extending the product to include a
full MVC paradymn and fully automatic memory reclaimation. Windows
NT and Windows 4.0 versions are planned in addition to the VMS and
Unix X Windows versions.
StarView 2.1
Star Division
2180 Sand Hill Road, Suite 320
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(800) 888-8527 (inquiries)
(415) 233-0142 (fax)
Email: svinfo@stardiv.de
This is a full C++ class library that comes with their DesignEditor
which creates resource files. Some of the classes include SplitBar
(a splittable scrollbar like a spreadsheet uses), tool boxes,
status bars, file dialogs, and MS-Windows bitmap support via file
stream IO.
Other features/portability capabilities include international
language support (being a German company selling software in the
states, this makes a lot of sense) but not multi-byte character
sets, full printer support (including page preview), endian-aware
classes, platform-independent file specification, and drag&drop
support. They claim to provide cross-platform OLE 1.0 support (not
sure how they do this).
This product also comes with several general-purpose C++ classes
including Strings and a very complete complement of container
classes (e.g., Queues, Lists, and Tables). These classes are
included in a Microsoft Windows DLL for reduced memory usage.
These guys are using their own code (originally written in C++, I
might add) to put together a multi-platform word processor. Their
word processor guys keep their PIGUI guys informed of any
One really neat thing is that they've ported Microsoft's help to
other platforms. They have special (though non-portable) Microsoft
Windows OLE and DDE classes.
OS/2 & NT in beta.
They are working on OLE 2.0 classes as well.
Lots of users really like StarView. Ian Upright
(Ian_Upright@mindlink.bc.ca), for example, says "If you're doing
[PIGUI] development, I think you'd be insane to not check out
StarView as an option. [...] The entire design of the library is
very intelligent and VERY well thought out. [...] It also has
system dependent hooks available. Such as the ability to trap [MS]
windows messages of a HWND." Other users second this, "Their
features for creating graphics and using output devices is
marvelous." and "The class library is excellent. It's complete.
[...] It's intuitive."
Many people still complain about their support, even though their
primary support guy is really helpful and they've added another
technical support person. "They've got one good tech support guy,
Andreas [they've added another]. You may not be able to call and
get an immediate answer, as they're not always in." Says another
user, "The real disappointment with StarView has been their
customer support. We've known times where they didn't return our
calls for weeks. They've consistently been late with releases and
shipments, and have made promises on the phone that were not kept."
The software is new, and it seemed to me to be a bit rough around
the edges. I had a review copy, but never got the software to work
with Microsoft Windows 3.0 (this is when MS-Windows 3.1 was the
most recent version). The support people tried extremely hard to
help me, but I had to move on to other things without being able to
get it to work.
Simple User Interface Toolkit, v2.3
University of Virginia
Email: suit@uvacs.cs.virginia.edu
SUIT is a (free-of-charge with strings attached) C-language
library. It comes with source, a 10 page tutorial, and a 160 page
reference manual. SUIT's prime directive is ease of learning
(estimated time to productivity is around 2 hours -- oh, and there
is that thing about not interfering with the natural advancement of
an indigenous life form, but we won't get into that here =^> ).
The software has the unusual trait that it's user-interface is
editable even while a SUIT application program is running.
SUIT is available with source for free for Universities and
non-profit organizations (for-profit organizations can license SUIT
for around $25,000). Anyone can download it via anonymous ftp from
uvacs.cs.virginia.edu ( for evaluation purposes.
For more information finger 'suit@uvacs.cs.virginia.edu'
VisualWorks v2.0
(800) 759 PARC (voice)
Email: info@parcplace.com
VisualWorks is a Smalltalk application development environment and
class library for client-server GUI products. The VisualWorks
software includes a set of interactive development tools to help
you, well, develop your GUI software interactively. In addition,
one can use the Chameleon View product to preview the look of an
application as if it were running under different windowing
managers on the various supported platforms.
In addition to all of this, VisualWorks includes an external
database interface, currently for Oracle and Sybase.
Advanced Tools - performance benchmarks, complex numbers, extended
browser, metanumbers, parser compiler, space use profiler, class
analysis and reports (e.g., variables used but not defined).
Business Graphics - pie, bar, line, etc., charts
DLL & C Connect - parse C header files, call out to DLLs and
shared libraries
Oracle Connect 2.0
Sybase Connect 2.0
Apparently (I haven't seen the article, personally) the June 14,1993
issue of Computerworld ranks ParcPlace pretty highly.
Wind/U v2.0
Bristol Technology Inc.
241 Ethan Allen Highway Ridgefield, CT 06877
(203) 438-6969 (voice)
(203) 438-5013 (fax)
Email: info@bristol.com
WWW: http://www.bristol.com
Wind/U is an implementation of the Microsoft Windows API under
Unix/Motif. Wind/U supports Win16 and Win32 and the Microsoft
Foundation Classes 1.5 (MFC, the API under Visual C++). It
contains custom widgets to allow applications to utilize multiple
document interface (MDI), combo boxes, dynamically linked libraries
(DLLs), dynamic data exchange (DDE), WinSock, and PostScript and
PCL4 and PCL5 (Hewlett Packard's Printer Control Language)
printing. You can use your MS Windows Help file source on Unix with
Bristol's HyperHelp. In addition, they support the Windows GDI
graphics drawing interface, including the coordinate system
choices. Finally, they support Common dialog DLLs as well as DDEML
(Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library) DLLs.
Their toolkit includes several programmer tools including Wind/U
Spy (an application that runs under Motif but looks like the
MS-Windows Spy program), online documentation, a makefile
generation program (to help compile your MS-Windows program under
Unix), and other tools to help prepare your PC source for Unix.
Bristol has entered into a source code license agreement with
Microsoft. This agreement allows Bristol to incorporate MS-Windows
code into their product.
HyperHelp V4.0 is also due out this summer and should include
improved FrameMaker support, dynamic text retrieval, user
reporting, improved printing and searching, and a bunch of other
One user says, "[Wind/U] is a fairly complete implementation of the
Windows API for unix. There are some bugs, and some unimplemented
features, but it seems to be getting better over time. Bristol's
support for their product is truly excellent: they are very
responsive and have been able to provide rapid turnaround for our
WM_MOTIF User Interface Library, v4.1
Software UNO, Ltd.
15 Bodwell Terrace 1259 Fernandez Juncos Ave.
Millburn, NJ 07041 San Juan, PR 00907
(800) 840-UNIX (840-8649) (voice)
(809) 723-5000
(809) 722-6242 (fax)
(201) 912-0668 (BBS, 9600-1200, N-8-1)
Email: 73710.3031@compuserve.com (can also use the MAGMA forum)
WM_MOTIF is a portable implementation of the MS Windows API for
Unix Motif and character-based environments. It is a C library,
but also supports popular C++ frameworks like Microsoft's MFC or
Borland's OWL. A resource compiler is included to port MS-Windows
resources to the Unix platforms. WM_MOTIF supports bitmaps, icons,
and cursors; UIL is not required.
Source code is available.
Demo executables are available via anonymous FTP at
ftp.uu.net:/vendor/uno. Software UNO also offers an evaluation
library to allow developers to compile their own code with the
"We are working on Win32 support for the first half of 1995. This
will extend WM_MOTIF compatibility to applications developed for NT
and Win32s platforms."
WNDX, V2.04
Suite 418, 1167 Kensington Crescent N.W.
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2N 1X7
(403) 283-5590 (voice)
(403) 283-6250 (fax)
(403) 283-6395 (bbs)
Email: support@wndx.com
This is a C library which comes bundled with a resource builder
(OPUS) capable of creating portable resource files.
WNDX provides system-independent graphic drawing routines, window
manipulation primitives, and user interaction management routines
as well as dialogs, menus, editable and static text items,
scrollbars, checkboxes, radio buttons, list items, selection items,
icons, color selection items, icon and bitmap items. Printing
support is available for the DOS and Windows platforms (only).
Programs generated with WNDX can be configured to use the native
environment of the platform, or to be identical in appearance and
behavior across all platforms. This is accomplished by the use of
different "style guides" (source included) which define the look
and feel of the particular "style". For example, a simple menu
option can change the look and feel of the OPUS application running
in Windows from the Windows style guide to the Motif style guide.
According to one article, they've altered concepts that most GUI
developers consider conventional. All widgets have all the
attributes defined for them (it's just that some of the attributes
are meaningless and, therefore, ignored). WNDX describes it
differently: The basis of the WNDX paradigm is the Window
"object". Each object has an attribute list. Other "objects" are
derived from the basic window object and each kind of object adds
different customized attributes to the attribute list.
There are some problems, like colors are not fully editable and
there's no way to put a picture on a button (without fudging).
Other complaints include features (like icons) that require special
non-portable effort to use in a native look-and-feel.
In addition to the platforms supported, a source code license is
available for programmers who need to port applications to other
UNIX/Motif platforms. Contact WNDX for pricing.
The Mac platform is still on version 2.03. The update is currently
in progress. The OS/2 platform port is currently on hold due to
a lack of demand.
wxWindows, v1.60
Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute
University of Edinburgh
80 South Bridge
031 650 2746 (voice)
Email: J.Smart@ed.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/~jacs/wxwin.html
This is a (free-of-charge) C++ library with source. For a GUI
builder, you can use wxBuilder (which is available under MS-Windows
or Motif), another program they have to translate the output of
DevGuide (Sun's XView GUI builder) into wxWindows format, or yet
another one to allow one to use Liant's class browser with the
This package includes hypertext help, printer support (this is
better than some packages you have to pay for), and some nifty
graphics capabilities including splines, polylines, and rounded
rectangles. It includes the standard menu bars, toolbars, pens,
brushes, etc. In addition to all of that, it includes IPC features
that includes DDE support under MS-Windows *AND* Unix. A CURSES
version is in alpha.
In addition, wxWindows includes timers, filesystem portability
features, as well as PROLOGIO which allows the user to create
(apparently, with some limitations) object-oriented, Prolog-
compatible data files.
To get this software, anonymous ftp it from skye.aiai.ed.ac.uk
(; it's in pub/wxwin or pub/wxwin/150k. The files
are wxwin150.tar.Z (for X-Windows demo software) or wxwin150.zip
(for the PC). Their GUI builder conversion program is in beta,
and one can get it by anonymous ftp from cs.tut.fi
(; it's in the file '/pub/src/gwx10.tar.Z'.
This is free software, so one should expect that it has a
couple of warts relative to the packages for which one would
pay. It (according to the author) doesn't stick too closely to
the style guides of the individual platforms, but "most people
won't know the difference [... the software has] a long way to
go before I've used all the features [of the various GUIs]".
Still, the price is right. . .
Widget management (similar to Motif), automated GUI testing
facilities, their own GUI builder, and a MS-Windows
.rc-to-wxWindows converter. They have a partial Mac port
XVT Portability Toolkit
Power++ Release 3.02,
C Release 4.0
XVT Software Incorporated
4900 Pearl East Circle
Box 18750
Boulder, CO 80308
(800) 678-7988 (inquiries)
(303) 443-4223 (voice)
(303) 443-0969 (fax)
Email: info@xvt.com
WWW: http://www.xvt.com
XVT comes as either a C-language or C++ (called Power++) library.
The C solution has bundled with it an interactive design tool and
code generator. The C++ solution includes a user interface layout
tool (XVT-Architect 1.0?). XVT provides printing support,
drag-and-drop, portable help, portable bitmap support (palette
control provides up to 24 bits of color), and powerful portable
font handling capability.
In addition, Power++ comes with the Rogue Wave product Tools.h++
(Tools.h++ provides 135 extra general-purpose classes).
Source Code (call)
XVT-PowerObjects (includes
spreadsheet, toolbar, status bar,
tables, that sort of stuff) $495 ($395 for PCs)
Free (with updates) for six months. After that, call for pricing.
XVT is the original PIGUI software. They seem to provide pretty
solid support for all the platforms (and, there's a lot) that they
support. In addition, the current incarnation of their C++ toolset
is generally agreed to be substantially better than their original
XVT is receiving major applause for changing their PIGUI approach
to be more consistent with the rest of the marketplace. They are
getting away from a least-common denominator approach (check-out
their portable help for an example of strides in this area) and
they are providing more complete packages with fewer optional
extras (e.g., XVT now bundles their layout tool with their
XVT was founded in 1987.
They are expecting a new version of Design++'s (Power++ Architect)
layout tool sometime soon (available around the end of the year).
Internationalization (Unicode) 1st quarter 1995.
The user's have said that the manuals are good and extremely
well organized and that the Designer's test mode actually tests
the logic (a really helpful feature). Their tech support is
also reportedly pretty good ("wonderous", says one user).
In the arena of software development, one user says "...at the end
of 2 weeks we had a fully-functional [medium-sized] application on
Mac and MOTIF", he goes on to say that the the user-interface was
redesigned half way through.
Their support is, reportedly, less than stellar.
Power++ is said to be a fantastic improvement over their old C++
product (Design++).
Yet Another Class Library
M. A. Sridhar
Department of Computer Science
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
(803) 777-2427 (voice)
(803) 777-3767 (fax)
Email: sridhar@usceast.cs.scarolina.edu
YACL is a free-of-charge general purpose C++ library that includes
GUI functionality that adheres to the model-view-controller
paradigm. Classes provided by YACL include menus, dialogs,
buttons, listboxes, cursors, fonts, pens, colors, and elementary
drawing functions. Motif functionality is not quite complete.
The ultimate goal of YACL is to be a rich virtual platform that
includes container classes and I/O classes as well as GUI
YACL is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.scarolina.edu
(, as the file /pub/sridhar/yacl.zip.
The rest of the GUI functionality is being ported to Motif. Versions
are being considered for OS/2 and the Mac. In addition, a GUI layout
designer is currently under development.
zApp, V2.0
2065 Landings Drive,
Mountainview, CA 94043
(800) 3-inmark (inquiries)
(415) 691-9000 (voice)
(415) 691-9099 (fax)
Email: sales@inmark.com
This is a full C++ class library. This product contains over 200
classes to provide things like DDE support (non-portable), printer
support, geometry management, and true-type font support. Included
in their package is 75 pre-defined forms (as well as the usual
examples) and source code for the class libraries.
The software comes with zApp Programmer's Guide (330 pages) and
zApp Programmer's Reference (833 pages).
zApp Interface Pack, around 100 extra classes like a spreadsheet-
oriented table class, 3-D toolbars, status lines, and 3-D custom
controls. This software comes with the zApp Interface Pack Guide
(144 pages) and the zApp Interface Pack Reference (158 pages).
zApp Factory, a drag-n-drop WYSIWYG builder that includes a code
generator. This software comes with the zApp Factory User's Guide
(213 pages).
The zApp Developer's Suite includes zApp, the zApp Interface Pack,
and zApp Factory. This software comes with the 'Getting Started
with the Developer's Suite' manual (89 pages).
zApp offers training, as well.
Basic support is free. There's also premium support (for extra
bux) that includes product upgrades.
Mac support (last I heard was 1st Half 1995, but this product has
been a long time comming).
zApp (and the zApp Interface Pack) versions 2.2 are scheduled for
release any minute now. These releases should have full support
for DLL's. The X/Motif version of zApp is currently in limited
release and will go into general release in early November. zApp
Factory will also be released on X/Motif in November. Inmark is
also working on a portable help product that will be released early
next year.
The zApp class libraries were originally coded in C++.
The customer-interface is great. Their BBS is said to provide a
faster response than does CompuServe.
zApp receives many plaudits. Many users really like their class
structure. One user says "zApp contains without a doubt the
absolute best C++ code I have ever seen. It is an amazingly
simple, intuitive interpretation of GUI and OOP interfaces".
Another user says, "zApp is an EXCELLENT platform-independent API.
If you truly must write your code "once" for multiple platforms,
zApp is the C++ solution to get." Also revered is the zApp Factory
The most critical negative comment that I've seen is summed-up
by one user "it has A LOT of memory leaks".
Another big complaint seems to be that zApp is quite apparently
MS-Windows-oriented. Many of their classes and idioms don't
translate well (or at all) to other platforms. For example, one
user says "my disappointment [with zApp] stems from my Mac
expectations." Another user agrees, "The [MS] Windows version
works rather better than the OS/2 version".
In order to do substantial work under MS-DOS Graphics mode, Inmark
has told users to purchase MEWEL Library. Another user
corroborates: "To use zApp in [MS-DOS] Graphics mode you WILL need
to buy MEWEL Professional [, and a memory extender such as]
PharLap/286 or Borland PowerPacks".
Other miscellaneous complaints include lack of DLL support, no
portable help files, and zApp Factory regenerates all source code
even when only one line is changed.
Zinc, V4.0
ZINC Software Incorporated
405 South 100 East 2nd Floor
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
(800) 638 8665 (inquires)
(801) 785-8900 (voice)
(801) 785-8996 (fax)
(801) 785-8997 (bbs)
Email: tech@zinc.com
This is a full C++ class library that comes with the Zinc Designer
(a WYSIWYG GUI builder). Their classes include a rather nice error
system, geometry management, print support, VROOM support (for
Borland heads), index tabs, status bars, sliders, spinners, some
graphic capabilities, and a portable, if rudimentary, help system.
Also included is the source for the library (and for the
In addition to the usual GUI stuff, Zinc also provides
international character support (they have a Unicode version for
extra bux) and some container classes.
The software comes with 4 manuals. These include 2 reference
manuals, a getting started manual, and a document covering their
They'll provide Unicode at extra cost (price, unspecified).
Additionally, they provide a video training series (this gives lots
of Zinc internals detail, but not a lot of relief for the novice
programmer) for $499.
Zinc's direction seems to be the international market along with
support for the marketeers-do-the-GUI-while-programmers-do-the-code
crowd. That said, they promise that they'll not forget about the
applications and scientific programmers as they grow.
To use their product to its fullest, you have to use their GUI
builder (the only way you can get icons on all platforms, for
example, is through the Designer).
Zinc has made big changes to their Designer (their GUI builder)
targeted, it seems, to provide a comfortable GUI design environment
for non-programmers. The updates include easing the addition of
user-defined widgets to the designer, parallelizing the
main-design-screen/image-editor/help-editor, and replacing flag
names with more user-friendly english descriptions.
They have completely rewritten their manuals (and the crowd goes
wild...) to reduce the learning curve associated with this
The utilization of the native help system and improved graphics
Users praise the look and feel under DOS.
On a more positive note, once you get used to the paradigm, it *is*
pretty straight-forward to program. In addition, the software is
becoming more robust with each release.
Thanks to the many netters that have helped give information and
general impressions of the software packages listed here. Also thanks
to the vendors for keeping this FAQ accurate and up-to-date.
In specific, I'd like to thank Eric Raymond (esr@snark.thyrsus.com),
'cause I stole his UNIX FAQ format for use here. Thanks, Eric.
I looked at some articles about GUIs for information. Those include:
Steve Apiki, "Paths to Platform Independence", Byte, January
1994, pp. 172-178
Richard Chimera, carm@cs.umd.edu, "Evaluation of Platform
Independent Interface Builders", Human-Computer Interaction
Laboratory, University of Maryland, dated March 1993.
Carl Dichter, "One For All. . .", UNIX Review, October 1993,
pp. 65-74
Thomas Murhpy, "Looking at the world through cheap sunglasses",
Computer Language, February 1993, pp. 63-85
UNIX Review Staff, "Outstanding Products of 1993", UNIX Review,
December 1993, pp. 47-54
Scott Mace, "Windows-to-Mac bridge now open", InfoWorld, Nov. 7,
1994, p21
Wade Guthrie | "Here's to way *WAY* too many MIPS, vintage
wade@nb.rockwell.com | sports cars, AD&D (first edition), and
I don't speak for Rockwell. | single malt whiskey aged in sherry casks."